After almost one fantastic month in Nepal it is time to move on. We have had so much to do, that there have been no time to write about it on the Internet.. This will follow later! Key points include paragliding, trekking in the Himalayas, party by the bus, lots of tourist food (burgers, pizza and set breakfast) and a lot new friends.
Guro is back in Norway for a couple of months, and Andreas is going home tomorrow morning - hopefully to return in Iran or somewhere. Ingrid and Torkild will try out the Indian Railway System and go scouting for a sweet spot ahead. Anders is meeting us in India, along with a bunch of other friends for the Christmas Extravaganza somewhere in Southern India. We hope to find a place to stay for a long time (maybe until February) and evaluate and make more plans for the long road home.
But before that, the bus must be moved down there during the next couple of weeks. So to sum it up, everyone is now healthy (thanks to some doctors in Kathmandu and Pokhara) and looking forward to more adventures on the way to Kerela. The road will probably go from Sonauli by Varanesi, and onto the North-South Corridor, which probably is a very good road, but mostly populated by cows, camels and donkeys coming in the other direction.. See you later!